Feeding Fiber to Horses

Do you know the fiber level in your current feeding program? If you don’t, you are not alone. Few horse owners can answer that question, and even fewer understand why it might be important or where fiber comes from. The first and foremost source of fiber in a horses’ diet is their roughage, or hay, source. Secondary to that is what is present in any supplemental grain sources. First of all, let’s define what fiber is: Fiber is a measure of the plant cell wall, or the structural portions that give the plant support. Main components of fiber are the...
Molting: The Naked Truth

There comes a time in every chicken’s life (usually around 14 – 18 months old) where they start to lose all their feathers, look gangly and downright ugly. But don’t be alarmed! This is a natural process that occurs annually. This process is called molt. What is molt? Molt is the natural shedding of feathers and regrowth of new ones. This usually happens in the fall as day length shortens. It is the chickens way to refresh old feathers and grow new ones for the coming winter. Molt happens in an expected order, starting at the head, down the back, breast and...
Biking with Your Dog

We all love to walk with our dogs. It is a great way to get exercise and to bond with your pet. However, some of us live in places where dogs cannot always get the exercise they need due to city living or small backyards. There are also many dogs that need more intense exercise than they can get just by walking. For most of us, running for a couple of miles with the dog is out of the question. The solution - consider biking with your dog. This way of spending time with your dog is becoming more and...
Summer Grazing: Maximizing Pasture Health for Livestock

As the sun rises higher in the summer sky and pastures burst into lush greenery, farmers and ranchers are presented with a prime opportunity to optimize grazing conditions for their livestock. Maximizing pasture health during the summer months not only ensures ample nutrition for your animals but also contributes to the sustainability of your operation. In this blog, we'll delve into essential tips for summer grazing, guiding you towards achieving optimal pasture health and maximizing the well-being of your livestock. 1. Rotational Grazing: Implement rotational grazing practices to prevent overgrazing and promote regrowth. Divide pastures into smaller paddocks and rotate...
Summer Wild Bird Feeding and Care Tips

Summer is a delightful season filled with the sights and sounds of nature at its most vibrant. Among the many joys of summer is the presence of wild birds, adding beauty and music to our gardens and outdoor spaces. Providing care and nourishment to these feathered visitors can be a rewarding experience. In this blog, we’ll explore essential tips for summer wild bird feeding and care to ensure they thrive during the warmer months. 1. Choose the Right Bird Feeders: Types of Feeders: Tube Feeders: Ideal for small seed mixes and attracting a variety of birds like finches, chickadees, and...